Monday, March 7, 2011

The Dilemma of the Vegan Baking Ethusiast?

When I first ventured from vegetarianism to veganism about a year ago I was desperate to fulfill the demands of my sweet tooth.  Unfortunately, however, I quickly discovered how expensive a lot of vegan goodies and sweet are, since they generally cater to a small, more specified market (this excludes Oreos, which are vegan, delicious, and terrible for you in a wonderful way).  Thus I went in search of a book of vegan recipes that would be sure to fill my desire to bake and eat something vegan that didn't have a name like "Gluten Free Rice Prune Crunchies".  In my search I found a few books on the subject that I liked and was relieved to find recipes like old fashioned chocolate chip cookies, sweet vanilla cake, "butter cream" frosting.  Before I tried these recipes I mentioned them at a family get together, to which my brother-in-law replied, "Vegan baked goods and delicious are two contradictory terms."

With all due respect to my brother-in-law: Wrong!  Since discovering the delight of cruelty free baking I have come across so many new and tasty recipes that I have had to keep myself from baking too often.  I've had the delight of eating rich, crispy peanut butter cookies, moist chocolate cupcakes, whole wheat chocolate chip cookies (my favorite), sweet black and white cookies, rich silky faux butter cream frosting, and the list could go on and on.  When I converted to veganism for ethical reasons I was dismayed at the thought of reducing the number of yummy baked goods to zero, but luckily I have avoided that fate entirely.  In fact, the only downside I have to say about vegan baking is that, if you only want to eat healthy or are trying to lose weight, do yourself a favor and don't make any vegan goodies for yourself, 'cause once you start you won't be able to stop!

Want to know more about vegan baking?  Check out these websites!
Great Vegan Baking Recipes

You Can Substitute Eggs and Dairy!

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